Over ons / About Us

Our mission is to make the internet safe. To do so, we develop open source software called “Web Security Map” and build a community of security/it enthusiasts.

In the Netherlands our approach has fixed tens of thousands of vulnerabilities at the Dutch government, municipalities, provinces and hospitals. See our work live: https://basisbeveiliging.nl

We’re looking for more sectors and countries that want to increase their security. If you are interested contact us via info@internetcleanup.foundation.

We are looking for donations to continue our ongoing efforts to make the internet secure. If you are interested to donate or have business offers, please contact us at: info@internetcleanup.foundation.

The Internet Cleanup Foundation is a registered not for profit foundation in The Netherlands, Europe.

Web Security Map

With Web Security Map, anyone can easily see how secure an organization is.

Learn all about it on: https://websecuritymap.org


Our continued efforts are supported by the following sponsors:

SIDN Fonds supported the creation of Web Security Map by donating €70.000 in their potentials program.

Cobytes sponsors hosting and servers of our WSM installations.

Sentry supports our open source development with free exception logging.

Gitlab supports our open source development with gold accounts for this project.


Use the following link to make a donation to Web Security Map.


Foundation information

The Stichting Internet Cleanup Foundation has the goal:

To increase confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA) of information on the internet and everything related to this subject in the broadest sense.

The foundation tries to attain this goal by:

  1. measuring the quality of CIA.
  2. supporting the creation of measurement tools that allow for independently measuring CIA.
  3. communicating the results and goal of the foundation at conferences and via (internet) media.
  4. increasing accessibility of (strengthening) CIA and related subjects.

Board members

Chair: Elger Jonker

Treasurer: Wouter Goyen

Secretary: Elger Jonker (vacancy!)

E-Mail: info@internetcleanup.foundation

Snailmail: Internet Cleanup Foundation, Oberon 33, 5221 LT, Den Bosch, The Netherlands, Europe

Gitlab: gitlab.com/internet-cleanup-foundation/


Dutch chamber of commerce registration (KVK): 66636000

RSIN: 856640426

Bank account: NL45 RABO 03 1209 5678


BTW-nummer: NL 85 66 40 42 6 B01

Advisory Board